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Seminar programme on cultural identity, stereotypes and prejudices for sensitive career guidance
Explanatory video on prejudices, stereotypes and clichés – intercultural communication.
The article introduces CQ strategies (metacognitive dimension) that can be used before, during and after intercultural interactions.
What is culture? Short explanatory video on the definition of culture and all the distinctive components that are part of it.
What is cultural appreciation and what steps can we take to appreciate cultural diversity rather than be appropriate?
How can the differences between two or more cultures be described? And how can cultures be compared with each other in terms of their peculiarities? An insight into Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory.
How to develop cultural intelligence competence and lead culturally diverse and inclusive teams
How to make the most of cultural diversity in companies so that mixed teams can achieve the best possible success
Die Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission für die Erstellung dieser Veröffentlichung stellt keine Billigung des Inhalts dar, der ausschließlich die Meinung der Autoren wiedergibt, und die Kommission kann nicht für die Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen verantwortlich gemacht werden. Projektnummer: 2021-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000033662