Evento sabato 28/10

Buona sera A proposito della IQ , posso dire che dipende molto di molti fattori, anzi tutto sociale e pure del individuo che abbia predisposizione ad aprire a nuove conoscenze

Conoscenza senza fine

Esperienza sempre utile e interesse te. Spero si ripeta

Pensiero della serata

Sono stati molto approfondite le idea che abbiamo succitate.con parole molto tecniche e spiegate perfettamente. Grazie

Pensiero della serata

Sono stati molto approfondite le idea che abbiamo succitate.con parole molto tecniche e spiegate perfettamente. Grazie

Evento finale a Roma

Ringrazio i partecipanti all’evento di Roma! Ottimo il dibattito e la discussione, aspetto la vostra valutazione!

We are all a combination of various axes of identity (based on the research of Helma Lutz))

In interaction with each other, in perceiving the rest of nature and societal challenges, we are in most cases unaware that our perception is coloured by a specific view. And since no human can ever be ‘neutral’ (we cannot strip ourselves from ‘being human’), an effective strategy of dealing with blind spots and unconscious bias… Continua a leggere We are all a combination of various axes of identity (based on the research of Helma Lutz))

Blenders Podcasts on Inclusion

For conversations about Inclusion – check out the Blenders podcasts – English transcriptions available: https://blenders.be/podcast

Another chance

A new opportunity to share our latest educative experiences! I will log on often…!

Cq+ and European key competences

In the Italian school at the end of the first cycle of education the school is required to certify the level reached by pupils in the European Key Competences. I believe that this project, both in the content of the infographics and through the training programme fulfils at least 4 of the 8 key competences… Continua a leggere Cq+ and European key competences

Teacher Training in Berlin 2023

Within the framework of the CQ+ project, our educators from Croatia spent three days in Berlin attending a training program for Front-line Adult Educators, aimed at reducing the issue of polarization in Europe and providing support to educators in developing their cultural intelligence and tolerance for diversity. Our participants best summarized our experience and everything… Continua a leggere Teacher Training in Berlin 2023
